The Spa Sample Series : Le'masque Hazelia
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Finally got started on the "spa samples" that my friend got from me from some roadshow. As mentioned, I got a whole stack of samples from Le'masque Hazelia, and I was very, very, very scared of starting to use the products because there are no ingredient listings and no directions on how to use them! I decided to get started on the whitening cleansing foam because --- hey, how much directions do you need to use a facial cleanser, eh?So this is the "Whitening Cleansing Foam" from LE'masque Hazelia (it's actually a Malaysian brand, but "Doesn't it sound so French" <--- my friend who got me the samples). Each packet is good for ONE use, so I don't think that I can really give a good GUESStimate on how effective the product is for my skin.
Upon opening the packet, this is the sight that greeted me :The smell from the lotion was... zomg, so strong! It smelled REALLY citrusy, so at first I was really excited to use it. Except that when it was ACTUALLY ON MY FACE, it smelled more ACIDIC and less CITRUSY. Hahaha. I was really scared that the "whitening" was by bleaching my dang face!
Aside from that, mmm... yeah, it foams up nicely, but the strong acidic / citrus smell was a bit distracting. Also didn't like the initial texture, and my skin felt a bit "tight" after everything was washed off. Would probably not buy again, but then again, I don't know where to repurchase it either. :\\
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