Hard Rock Hotel Bath & Shower Gel
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Random, I know! Hahaha... this is why I always take the shower stuff from hotels because they are so nicely packaged and they smell sooooo good. Plus, when you travel to crappier places, THAT'S when you actually bring them along. I don't know about you, but when I go to a nice hotel, I only take the shower stuff to bring home. I use my OWN shower stuff then. But when I go to a crappy hotel, I take the stuff from the nice hotel to use there. Lol! Maybe you're wondering why I can't bring my own stuff to the crap hotel too. Well, depends on what the occasion is. Since this was a business-related trip, I couldn't bring a huge travelling bag. I only had my knapsack, so I had to travel light.As you can see, the package is simple & sleek. The shower gel itself is very plain. Just clear gel with no buffing beads whatsoever. It has a strong, invigorating smell that brings to mine citrus fruits... but the smell doesn't last. The shower gel does its job, but nothing special aside from the initial nice, citrus fragrance. I really wonder who supplies the shower gel for Hard Rock Hotel, it is not mentioned on the packaging.. at least, it's much better than the free shower gels in gyms, lol! (With the exception of Body EXpress, which seriously has the best shower rooms for a gym!)
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