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Follow Me Blooming Fresh Shampoo

 Saturday, July 30, 2011

I bought this shampoo when I was in Bahau. Random fact! :) In fact, I first heard of these series of shampoo from Follow Me when I was in Body eXpress gym. Follow Me actually supplies the gym's shower stuff, and I found it surprisingly invigorating & refreshing to use the range of products from Follow Me's Happy Shampoo. Told myself that I would repurchase, but it was more than 6 months before I actually did.

The weird thing (maybe it's a Bahau thing, lol) was they packaged my Blooming Fresh shampoo with the conditioner from the Cool & Happy Scalp. FYI, the Happy Shampoo range consists of : Blooming Fresh, Cool & Happy Scalp, Deep Moist and Smooth & Silky.

I was very excited when I finally finished my other shampoo (yes, I've been finishing a lot of stuff recently, and as a beauty blogger (or not), it really makes me excited to be able to try new stuff) and could start using this. However, maybe my memory did not serve me well, or maybe it was a gym thing... but I didn't feel that amazing invigorating & refreshing feeling that I experienced when I was at Body eXpress. Maybe I bought the wrong "flavor", and it was actually the "Cool & Happy Scalp" that worked wonders... however when I was purchasing, I sniffed each one and I thought Blooming Fresh was the one that smelled most like what I had used in the gym...

At the moment, I'm neither terribly impressed with the smell or the effects of using the shampoo. Also, the conditioner for the Cool & Happy Scalp neither makes my scalp feel cool nor particularly happy. Sigh... should I go over to the gym just to double check what I actually used? Lol... (it was a one day trial thingy)

Basically it just does its job of cleaning my hair, ho-hum, nothing special. However, the products claim to contain a magical "Herbex Flora Essence" which is supposed to promote strong and lustrous hair. So though it doesn't tickle my fancy in the aroma department, maybe my hair's healthiness can still be maintained...

((But I'll still be looking forward to the day this finishes... *grumble*))


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