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Dove Go Fresh Shower Gel in Nectarine & White Ginger

 Friday, July 29, 2011

I actually bought a 1 liter bottle of Dove's "Go Fresh" range in Nectarine & White Ginger (you can see it in my haul video) because you could get a free toiletry bag with every purchase. It costs about RM22, if I'm not mistaken, and the toiletry bag is really good quality (though I don't need it). As I've mentioned countless of times before, I'm VERY concerned with the quality of shower gels that I use because my skin is pretty sensitive. I can't use anything from the following brands : Palmolive, Fruiser, Follow Me.

I *think* I can trust Dove, so that's why I was willing to splurge on a bigger bottle. FYI, I do think RM22 is on the pricier side as before this, I was using Johnson & Johnson's Peach Baby Bath which costs about RM17 for 750ml... and it comes with a free 750ml refill as well! (In actual fact, my Peach Baby Bath finished, that's why I started using this Dove bottle, but I still have the refill! Just that I like to switch shower gels. Variety is the spice of life, even in your shower gels!)

The shower gel is in a bright orange color and smells more orange-y to me than peach-y. I was wondering if I got it wrong and "nectarine" is a type of orange. Nope, I was right - the nectarine is a fuzzless kind of peach. Anyway, I still like it because of my fascination with citrus scents. It's a really good pick-me-up in the mornings, especially with the tingly sensation that I get from the white ginger. Leaves you with a clean, refreshing feeling (but not tightness of skin) and the lovely scent lingers for a while after towelling off.

All in all, a shower gel that is REALLY GOOD in my books, and I'm thinking of repurchasing something else from their "Go Fresh" shower gel range - the plum & sakura blossom one sounds interesting!

((I'll wait until AUGUST to do my next haul, muwahahhaa.... all in good time, my lovelies.)

[Edited on 11/8/2011 :] I spoke too soon... after 1.5 weeks of using this, my skin threatened to break out into rashes. Once I had reverted back to Johnsons & Johnsons, it was back to normal. Sigh.... skin, y u have to be so sensitive? Now I can't use Dove shower gels anymore. What a waste. [End Edit]


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