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Thank you AMBP!!!

 Friday, June 10, 2011

Well, I won the tickets for my entry on Magical Musicals over here, and I couldn't make it in the end because I had to go for my first ever cell group. Sigh... I worked so hard to write that entry, and it seems hypocritical to want to go there so bad, and then not show up. SIGH.... I'm not saying that cell group wasn't enjoyable, it definitely was. So that's why I'm so glad that things worked out the way they did in the end. ;)

What happened was, I asked the event organizer, Ms Tracie Yeo, whether my tickets could be passed on to someone else. She said I could, as long as I give a photostated copy of my IC. So I wrote a letter for my parents, and gave them all the details they required. As my mom is a school teacher, and she is currently on holiday, it was perfect timing. My dad agreed to accompany her as "your mom likes this kinda things" (now I know where I got the musical loving from!).

At first they were enthusiastic, and then worried because they said, "Oh no.. this musical sounds like it's for the young people. Are you sure we won't be the odd ones out?" I scanned through the list of winners that AMBP provided and I saw there were people who won who had old IC numbers! I assured them that it was a wide mix as it seemed to appeal to all age groups.

The two of them rarely go out, what more to events like this, so I was very worried for them. I even told my dad to sms me after he got his tickets, because they didn't know where the main entrance of Sunway Lagoon was! -____- Oh yeah, and the bloggers who won the contest get tickets from either the red or the blue zone (RM250 per tix / RM200 per tix), and they were given on a first-come-first-serve basis. I told my parents that if they wanted to be kiasu, they should redeem once the booth opens. :P However, as kiasu as they were, they got RM200 tickets, which hey, is really a big deal.

They told me that they bumped into my dad's ex-colleague there, and he said he got tickets by just cutting out coupon to redeem from Oriental Press. -___- At first I was quite char dou as I didn't know it was that easy. But then I found out he only got the yellow zone tickets, hehehe. So my parents were also quite action because they got to sit somewhere twice as expensive. HAHAHA.

Aside for some logistic issues, they had a lot of fun. The first thing I asked them when they got back was, "HOW IS IT!" (I'm always worried that something I give to someone turns out to be the worse experience of their life), but my mom's face was shining and she said, "VERY NICE!" Wow, what a relieve! She said it was very nice, nice singing and dancing and my dad randomly shouted, "GOOD!! GOOD!!" when they sang Holding Out For a Hero (I think that's what it's called, my mom is not reliable for details like this).

She was so happy that she kept coming back to my bedroom to regale me with some other random tit bit or so about the night. I said, "Aiyoh... you know what? You and dad should date each other more often, like this. Just go somewhere nice and enjoy for the night."

She replied, "RM200 per ticket ok!! You think your dad want to pay that kinda money? You give him free can lah."

So thank you AMBP, from the bottom of my heart. You made my parent's night, and you made mine too, even though I didn't go. :)

P.S: my mom said I should pay money to watch it since it's so good...


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