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My Potential NYX Haul

 Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My friend Dull passed me an awesome website to get cheap NYX cosmetics. It's not as cheap as when you purchase from eBay, but it's pretty good for people who don't want to wind up with 100 lipsticks, I guess. ;) Plus, the eBay items usually ship within America or Canada.

Should I share out the website here? The problem is that it's Dull's find and not mine. ;) Maybe if you email me personally. ;)

I'm at a quandary whether to purchase any eyeshadows from Nyx because I plan to get Coastal Scent 88 palettes. Dull says 1 palette is enough because they have "every shade imaginable", but I plan to get "Combo #5" which has
- 88 original
- 88 shimmer
- 88 metal mania
- 88 warm shades

I know it's insanity - who would spend more than RM200 on eyeshadows? The thing is... original is only in matte shades, and I love shimmer eyeshadow as it's more subtle and suitable for daily wear than matte shadows are. As for metal mania, I just think the shades are crazy sexy. Decided to put my lust for these palettes on hold because my friend says that sometimes they will give discounts. She got her palette on 15% discount, so shipping was essentially free. The shipping kills me! RM100 for shipping, that's the cost of two palettes already. =(

Anyway, here's my marked-to-buy NYX haul for 2011 :

(1) Eyeshadows
Since I can't get the Coastal Scents, I'll get myself another 5 color palette and another one from the 10 Color Runway Collection.

I'm loving :

a. I Dream Of Aruba
Loving the earthy shades here, very suitable for work. In fact, I only have 3-4 palettes that I keep going back to for work (I'll blog about office make-up another day). I have been contemplating I Dream of Aruba and wondering if the colors are too similar to my H.I.P duo (Dynamic), but I think I do need more shades of brown. It's such a go-to color. Such a necessity. *convinces self*

Discounted price @ $6.75

b.10 Palette Runway Collection in Romance
I'm wondering if I should just get this one and forget about I Dream of Aruba as the shades seem pretty similar. I think I Dream of Aruba is more vibrant, golden desert sunsets while this one is more muted and earthy, less glamor and more on sweetness.

Discounted price @ $8.95

(2) Eyeliner
I've actually bought a really good eyeliner that I can't wait to share with you, but as I'm always on the lookout for good eyeliners, this one looks like it has really good potential! The NYX Skinny Eye Liner :
Discounted price @ $7.75

(3) Glitter Cream Palettes
This one was going cheap, and you never know when you might need to do a Ke$ha. ;) Decided to go glitter glam with Bronze Goddess and glitter whore with Pretty in Pink (actually, this is still pretty wearable. True Glitter Whore would be like... Paradise / Eden.. go check out the colors yourself!). How can you be "Glitterati" without glitter cream eyeshadow? ;P

Discounted price @$4.45 x 2 = $8.90

(4) NYX Nude on Nude Palette
20 nude eyeshadows (just what I need!) and 10 lip colors. Is this excessive, considering that I want everything else?
But I keep telling myself that what I have isn't duplicated here... Is it crazy to want to buy eyeshadows in colors that will "look like you're not wearing anything" anyway?

On another topic, I love all 10 lip colors shown here! They are all so wearable. I'm so glad that they didn't bung in something like black or purple lipstick. I really take my hat off at gals who can pull off looks like that.

Discounted price @ $17.90

(5) NYX Round Lipstick
The best selling lipstick in NYX, probably because it's so cheap, and in a huge variety of colors. Reading online reviews, they say that the lipstick is also very emollient, moisturising and the colors lasts. Therefore, I'm very tempted to try EVERYTHING that they have to offer. ^^

Though it is only $2.98 per lipstick, I have to limit myself, and told myself that I can only choose 5 out of these colors that I have greedily selected. Can you guess which ones I got in the end?

I took :
+ Chic Red (Electra is too red, and Pure Red is too "chilli red")
+ Gardenia (It looks like Rose LSS502A, but darker)
+ Narcissus (The nicest pink shade of the lot, I reckon)
+ Georgia (It reminds me of my Ginger Tea Rose shade from Maybelline last time!)
+ Peach Bellini (trying out a coral shade!)

Discounted price @ $2.98 x 5 = $14.90

I'm just wondering --- should I bother getting the eyeshadows if I get Coastal Scents? Do I really need 5 new lipsticks? Did I forget that I still have a shipment from Benefit that has yet to arrive? Sigh, decisions decisions...


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