Cooling Mask from My Beauty Diary
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Another week, another mask from My Beauty Diary. This one is the "Cooling Mask" for "soothing & cooling" (duh). Haha! It comes in a nice white packet with icy blue designs. Very cute.
As always, I love the amount of essence in each MBD mask, and I love the fit of the mask over my face. This mask doesn't smell like anything special, and the first time I put it on, I thought that it wasn't even that cooling. As with all masks (which are soaking wet with essence), when it first makes contact with your face, it's sure to be cooling, right? However, within seconds, the tingling, minty sensation started coming. It's not a very STRONG tingling sensation (like when you put minyak angin or Deep Heat, haha), but a very light and deliciously soothing one. The cooling sensation lasts quite long too. As with all masks, I always wear longer than the 20 minutes recommended (not sure if it's good or not, but I feel like it's so "wasted" if I throw away a mask that is still so seeped with essence!).After taking off the mask, I don't feel like there's any extra softness / hydration / whitening, but that was to be expected as that wasn't the purpose of this mask. I think it's just for some extra indulgence... a little nice tingly indulgence for a hot day. ;) Though I like MBD masks a LOT, I don't think I'll be repurchasing again so soon because I discovered something else really good... which I will share in my next entry. :)
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