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Uriage Guardian Promoter

 Thursday, November 17, 2011

I was browsing Guardian / Watsons as I always do on Friday nights date nights with my boyfriend. Just minding my own business. Checking out what's new in the drugstores of Malaysia. I especially love it when they package different products (of the same brand) together, and throw in a free gift & discount. That would really make me want to buy the product. Anyway, as I had purchased a lot of things recently, I was actually willing myself not to be suckered in by cute packaging as always. But looking can't hurt you, right?

There was a new brand of masks, with cute packaging.... caught my eye so I checked it out. Then an old lady (past menopause, as I soon found out) sidled up to me and asked me if she can help me. I found that she could speak english well, and she looked so cute and harmless, so I said, "Nah, just checking out what's new." Then she said that it was good to keep updated on the new stuff in the store, cos it shows initiative. I asked her about the mask with the cute packaging and she said she didn't handle that brand, had no idea about it.

Since she seemed friendly and I was free (Tron was poking around, looking for medical supplies stuff for his paintball war games the next day), we started chit-chatting about masks in general. Then she started the sales pitch, said she don't know about all these Taiwanese brand masks coming in, but she said instead of paper masks, have I used masks that can wash off before? I said of course, stuff like the MJ masks. She looked at it disdainfully (broke my heart) and said, have I tried stuff that is not so drugstore brand before? LMAO! I'm in a drugstore right now, aint' it? Anyway, she has a good product to introduce to me, which is this:

Uriage Express Mask. It is only a small tube (don't remember the exact size, but I *think* it was 40ml) but it costs RM80. I had not heard of the brand before, so I asked her more about it. She said that it is a mask that you can wash off or you can leave it on overnight. She said that it's very refreshing and she said she introduce it to me seeing my dry skin that really needed rescuing. I was like.. wtf... if only you had saw me when I just stepped off the plane from HK, after using the crap Biotherm stuff. She don't know how much my skin had improved since then k! But since she doesn't know my sad history, I forgive her. It's normal for sales people to curse the client's current condition and make them feel bad enough to succumb to an expensive product.

Anyway, based on what she said --- you can either wear it and wash off after 10 minutes OR LEAVE IT ON OVERNIGHT, aren't you curious what is it? Canyou completely understand this statement? I didn't lor. I had no idea what it was like, and since she didn't open the box to show me, I was wondering - is this a cream? Hence wash off? Or is it like a reusable mask that you keep soaking in new serum? How can you leave it on overnight if it's a mask. I guess I asked a dumb question, which was, "Leave it on overnight? Er... you mean when you sleep? Isn't that going to like, dirty your pillow?" And she shouted so loudly that I think the whole Guardian can hear her. "OF COURSE NOT! WHAT YOU TALKING! This is a transparent mask which can be absorbed very quickly, etc etc."

Huh? Absorbed? Is it a moisturiser? Then if it can be absorbed "very quickly" then why need to be left on overnight? Exactly how quick is quick? So many questions to ask, but she is so weird and defensive. At that point I made up my mind, even if I wanna buy the product, I'll buy it from another Guardian! Lol!

Anyway, after gently probing her, I found out that it's totally a gel-based kinda product, which can be used as a quick mask before you wash off and continue your make-up, etc. Or you can apply on your face, and then sleep it til next morning. You wake up with no residue whatsoever on your face, it's completely absorbed! This is so weird and strange, but I think it would be interesting to try? I don't know how comfortable you would feel wearing it to sleep, because won't you feel like it's resting thickly on your face? And if it's so fast working and absorbing, WHAT is there to wash off if you're just doing a quick 10 minutes mask? I wish she would give me some samples instead of shouting loudly at me. :P I was honestly quite surprised because we were chatting friendly-like before that.

She also said she uses the mask 3 times a week and it's good for menopausal women. Like WTF are you telling me that for? Do I look like I belong in your gang of menopausal women? -___-" And kept repeating key words like "older people" and "dry skin" to me. Really fan to the max.

Looks like I have to amp up my quest to heal my skin.... *sigh*


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