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Mr & Ms Dappy Foot Mask

 Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Ok, as mentioned, I was curious about this "Foot mask" thing ever since I read an advertorial on Cheesie's blog. I got this when I was in Singapore (for about RM60), and have not seen something similar in Malaysia. Take note that the brand I found is called "Mr & Ms Dappy", which is different from the brand that Cheesie advertised. However, based on the box and the diagrams, it seems like it's the same thing, so I decided to have a go at it.

Personally, I think it's GOOD to have all the skin on your feet peel off, because unless you regularly attack your feet with a pumice stone, normal exfoliation just can't cut it. I have a few spots around my feet that have such hardened skin that if I pull it off, it's just going to bleed or something. I mean, have you seen Black Swan? Who dares to go around yanking their skin off after that?

Personally for me, I decided that I wanted to get "baby soft skin" feet again after reading a short story by David Sedaris where he described his sister's own feet as "hooves". I think that with all my stamping around (sometimes without shoes... in the office), I have started developing hooves too. :( Though my feet don't look that bad in the photograph below, trust me. There are a lot of hardened bits and it annoys me!

The darkened parts of the skin are the hardened parts... (don't mind the weird foot, it's like that due to too much high heels).

This really looks too deceptively smooth. Trust me, it ain't. -__-

So this is Mr & Ms Dappy to the rescue. The box looks like this :

Mr & Ms Dappy to the rescueee!

Based on the box, after using their foot mask, your feet's hardened skin will only start peeling off within 5-7 days. It can be up to 2 weeks before everything is finally peeled off. This kinda annoys me because if I can gauge WHEN the skin will start peeling, then I'll start using the mask in order to time the peeling to be on the weekends (so that I don't scare my colleagues away, being that I wear sandals to the office). You get what I mean? Anyway, I guess this differs from person to person. To be honest, I don't like the wait either. Because I can't tell whether the product is working or not! Being a negative person, when my skin didn't start peeling immediately, I almost chalked it up to being conned, and wanted to write an angry blog post about how I had just wasted RM60 to soak my feet in silly plastic bags.

But I got ahead of myself. The product says that you have to remove all nail polish before using it, so here's my bare feet, ready to be wrapped :

What is inside the box:
And what is inside that little foil packet :
Read the instructions before putting it on. These are some expensive one-off shoes yo. Anyway, it's quite simple really. Just cut along the dotted line, be sure not to spill the essence inside the plastic "shoes" (there is quite a bit of essence inside the bag), slip it on and wrap the shoe up.

This part I have beef with! How to wrap the shoe nicely like in the diagram? Totally cheat people wan, there's nothing to stick it together and obviously it doesn't slip on nicely like a sock. So I had to use cellophane tape, wtf? And because I walked around, the cello tape would rip off, and then I have to stick it on again. Either that or sit still and get needles and pins in my bum-bum. No thanks! I think the product should come with some self-adhesive parts... they are already charging RM60 for it. Can improve the product design a bit!

Directly after the foot mask (this one only needs to be worn for 60-90 minutes. I wore for 90 minutes just to be extra sure... just in case my skin is too thick and needs extra absorbing powers), I could see my skin is a bit wrinkly looking. You might think it's natural because I've been soaking it in water for 90 minutes. But this wrinklyness didn't go away so easily. My feet also felt a bit strange... a bit unnatural. Can't really put my finger on the exact feeling, I just guess I wasn't comfortable in my own skin? Hahahha.

However after that, there was no skin peeling. Very disappointed. I checked everyday, oh-so-eagerly.. until on the 5th day, at night... I noticed that my skin had started peeling! I was so excited! And though the product recommends NOT to peel it off by yourself but to wait for it to naturally fall off, I was so itchy hand-ed and I kept peeling it off. I was quite sad that I couldn't get to pull off large pieces of skin, but it kept breaking off by bits. *lol* And there is no pain involved. I could just tug and tug until it break off, it's not like those case where if you try and tug, you can actually feel physical pain and you know if you keep at it, you are going to BlackSwan yourself, hahaha.

Ok, the next few pictures are going to be quite gross, but I find it madly fascinating :
FYI, the skin is STILL peeling, but this time, it's the top part of my feet. However, since the skin is more delicate & thinner on the TOP part of the feet, it is not as visible. People generally cannot see the skin peeling, unlike when it was at the soles of my feet. I hope that you plan to be anti-social and foreveralone when it's at the max peeling stage, because otherwise... it's just going to be sooooooo embarassing. My boyfriend saw my feet (I didn't tell him about the mask) and he backed away in horror saying, "You got some skin disease now ah?" Lol, I really don't blame him!

And when I went for a facial, they gave me a different pair of slippers to wear around the facial parlor. When I took off the slippers, I was so horrified to see bits of skin stuck to the cotton slippers. Some more the slippers were BLACK in color, so my skin was so jarringly obvious against the black background. So embarassing. You wanna know what else was embarassing? When I was on the bed getting my facial done, the dried peeling bits of my feet scrape against the bed sheets and make scritch-scratch kinda sounds. Lol! The facial consultant must've known about my "diseased" feet, but she very professionally ignored it. Though she did make so much comments on my face though (since THAT is part of her job).

Still, this was a pretty cool product to try out. Though it recommends treatment once a month, I don't think it's a necessity. I love how my feet feel though, so I'll probably do a foot mask... once every 4-6 months or so? It's only really fun when you've gotten it all hard and callous-y and then you magically peel it all off. :) Ahhhh...

Collection of skin peelings on my desk, lololol.

P.S : probably an essential product for those who love giving footjobs, wtf.


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