Benefit's Cha Cha Tint
Monday, August 1, 2011
I'd been hungering to buy either BeneTint or PosieTint for the longest time ever. Think : ever since I was in college! Ever since I got to know that its a "miracle" beauty product and something that totally revolutionised make-up as we know it --- a blusher and lippy ALL IN ONE. However, I was also doubtful that something you would never imagine being able to be combined would actually work. I mean --- blushers are usually powdery right? Would you put that on your lips? How would it taste? What's the texture like? Will it be liquid on your lips? That's so weird! Etc etc. I had no other friends that had personally used BeneTint, so all I had was reviews from magazines.
During my Benefit haul earlier this year, I decided to pick up Cha Cha Tint in order to hit the exact USD$115 needed to get the free worldwide shipping, heehee. I have to be honest - the first time I used it, I didn't like it and regretted getting Cha Cha Tint. However, it is something too expensive for me to just put aside and never use again, so I've been "training" myself to be able to use this product properly before I review it again.Cha Cha Tint is USD$1 more expensive than Benetint and Posietint, but I reckoned that I have so many other blushers of more "normal" colors... why not try something more outlandish. When I saw the vivid orange in the bottle, I nearly regretted my adventurous spirit. Fear not, this product is after all, just a cheek TINT. It comes off very light, but of course, you may continue to layer it up if you want something more obvious.
Some tips and reminders for those using Cha Cha Tint :
:: you have to be super ready to blend the cheek tint once it is on your skin. Otherwise, it will definitely make some parts of your skin look more "orange" than others. You do not want that. Therefore, when you are putting on Cha Cha Tint, you must be poised like this already::: it is definitely harder to blend with a brush, just use your fingers.... those people who are anal about things like that should not use the cheek tints from Benefit... (those who do use brushes with these products, please do correct me)
:: it is definitely harder to blend if you have foundation on. Since I'm at my lazy phase, I usually just put moisturiser on and then cheek tint with the rest of my make-up before heading out. If you insist on wearing foundation, make your cheek tint heavier and then put the foundation on top. There's no other way (I think).
As mentioned, since I'm at my lazy phase, I'm loving this product because it leaves a very natural finish on my face with just the moisturiser on. I would like to think that it looks as if I have a healthy natural color , but even my make-up-blind boyfriend realised I have something on, so maybe not. :P I think coral is also a great shade for my skin, so I'm slowly starting to like my Cha Cha Tint more... :)
What I dislike MOST about this product is that after the 3 swipes and blend on my cheeks, the color on my fingers are darker than the tint on my cheeks! And the colors that are "dyed" into my fingers can't be removed easily. Not with the face wash that I use to wash off my cheek tint at the end of the night, anyway. It's insane. And I think it's pure wastage.
I think this is going to be a repurchase for me... cos I like the concept of cheek tints, though I have to say I don't like using Cha Cha Tint for a lippy. My lips are way too dry to look good with a liquid lippy, and the end result is a tint too light for me. Perhaps I'll do a separate post on how Cha Cha Tint looks like as a lippy...
ok please make a review of it on your lips thanks!
i did ! :)
still prefer it solely for the cheeks though!
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