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Sensodyne Repair & Protect Toothpaste

 Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My boyfriend is a firm believer in Sensodyne, and he believes I need it because I have a sensitive tooth at the upper left side of my jaw. In fact, this sensitive tooth was not there until a dentist claimed that there was a hole there and patched it. When it was just an unpatched hole, I didn't have a "sensitive tooth". Now I do. Thanks a lot, doc. Anyway, the boyfriend bought me two boxes of this :

Sensodyne Repair & Protect Toothpaste!

To be honest, I've just started using this toothpaste, and I reckon that I won't be able to see significant improvements in terms of tooth sensitivity til I've used it over a long period of time. My bf's mom has been using Sensodyne for a long time and she really believes it helps, so if you'd take her word for it, you should go get yourself the toothpaste if you're suffering from those sharp pains whenever you eat something cold.

But one thing I just HAVE to comment about this toothpaste is that it is strangely and surprisingly SUPER MINTY. I get that "chilly" feeling way more than when I use any other type of toothpaste! I don't get the "super cleaned" feeling I get with Theramed or with Denblan... otherwise this could just be the perfect toothpaste...


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