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Beauty Related Resolutions

 Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Today is the first day of the year. And as all new years come and go, I'm sure the thought of the new year makes us want to turn over a new leaf. People make resolutions, and vow to become a better person, to learn something new, to do something extra special in their lives. Sure, you don't need a new year to kick off such train of thoughts, but if you're the sort who needs the motivation to even get up off the couch, why not let "the new year spirit" do it for you?

Since this is my beauty blog, here are some of my "beauty related" resolutions. :) Tell me yours!

  1. To take better care of my hair, in terms of hair-styling. I feel that I've been neglecting my hair a lot. Plus, I've already bought some hair wax, so I might as well use it!
  2. To actually start using make-up remover. I'm actually horrified by my laziness for skipping this step all this while. :S Will do a blogpost about it soon! 
  3. To be more diligent in blogging here, which helps me to be diligent in applying masks and investigating new products! I've also concentrated more on bath and cream beauty products than make-up, because I LOVE BATH PRODUCTS! IRL, I really do love make-up a lot too, but I am lazy to post make-up related stuff because I don't think that I'm an expert. However, I am starting to feel that it's more on sharing than on showing off. Don't have to be perfect to do a blog post... at least blog about your personal opinions in using a certain brand since not everyone who buys the products are make-up artistes...
  4. To not "let myself go" after getting married. Recently, find myself going out with NO MAKEUP at all and one day I looked in the mirror and really felt myself starting to look like an "aunty"... omg! Now I always do my hair nicely and put proper make-up before going out. :S 
  5. To be more diligent in my skincare routine. Sometimes I skip my eye gel at night because I'm too tired, and I just flop onto the bed and fall asleep. Which is kinda mad considering how much eye gels that I purchase because I feel like I need it, yet I waste it by NOT using it... the same goes for my toner, my night moisturiser, etc etc.
There, 5 simple resolutions! Wishing all of you a very happy new year! Cheers...


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