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A Mother's Day Celebration

 Thursday, May 23, 2013

Filler post! I celebrated Mother's Day at a company event - mothers, mothers-to-be and singles are all invited, hahaha. I just went because I heard that there were doorgifts, FOOD and prizes to be won. Sorry, mothers with a pack of kids, kiasu me is invading the event!

In the end, yes, won some prizes! The door gift is the strawberry in the upper right corner. I was happy with the "prizes" which were a bag organizer (I really need it!) and The Face Shop samples. Hahaha, BEAUTY products, of course I approve! :) :) :)

In case you're wondering what the strawberry is ... it's actually a recyclable bag, but foldable into such a cute shape. I left it in my handbag and totally forgot about it until I went for the Markets event in Jaya One. I'm usually not so hipster and happening to go for such events, but I happened to be in Jaya 33, and a friend was selling cakes there as well, so, might as well pop by after my appointment to look-see. Hubby and I ended up buying a lot of things and it was a struggle carrying all the little boxes until I remembered my little strawberry. Voila!

And this is what we carted back from Markets... =)

Eat all the cake!! Hahahha, there's stuff from Yay Sammich, Jaslyn Cakes and Sift KL. Oh, I didn't open up the juicy lemon tart (bottom right) when taking the photo, but it was the yummiest  thing ever. I feel like buying another one. Hubby recommends the beef brisket from Yay Sammich. Personally, I enjoyed eating every single thing! We thought we could save some for church the next day, but by dinner time we were eating the last of our cakes. Sigh!


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