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My Delias Haul

 Friday, March 9, 2012

Omg! Remember when I blogged about this? I just have to announce that I AM ABLE TO USE MY CREDIT CARD TO BUY FROM DELIAS NOW! I still can't use my Paypal account. I'm now thinking - is it because I used an INTERNATIONAL bank's credit card? Previously I kept trying to use my PBB bank card. I used my UOB card to purchase from Delias and ALL IS GOOD NOW. All is good. I was so surprised when the payment went through, haha.

I bought all my stuff from the sales rack. If it's full price, I don't want it. Personally, think I got quite a lot of good deals. My only regret now is that I didn't buy the Hogwarts college jersey! Dang! Totally forgot about it. :X

Cute graphic tee. I think I've mentioned multiple times that I'm a fan of their graphic tees?

My boyfriend has a collection of Spongebob shirts (I even bought one for him!) so I decided to be matchy with him with the Hawaiian Spongebob shirt. :D Honestly, won't even buy if not on sale wtf... cos I've only watched 5 episodes of Spongebob in my life and I've always thought he's retarded. (He is, isn't he?)
Now this one I'm not ashamed to admit... I find "Friday" darn catchy. Sometimes when it's *really* Friday (like today!), I will catch myself going, "Ohhhhhhh.... yeah yeahhhhhhh...". HAHAHAHA. The song is darn catchy la. And I think Rebecca Black is cute!

I know many may not be a fan of the "ethnic" prints, but I find it uber cool, and the cutting for this dress looks nice and flattering. And it's cheap ok! The end.

I have a severe lack of knee-length skirts. Most of my skirts look slutty now because I have either grown taller (not possible), butt became bigger / hips became bigger (so the skirt gets hiked up further to cover the larger expanse FML) or shrunk. So ... need something plain and simple. I would wear pants, but I just look bad in them, trust me...

Another skirt - this one is pleated chiffon in coral with polka dots. I hope the ang moh in the pic is tall cos I'm looking for something above the knee, not something mid-thigh. Mid-thigh for me means my UNDERWEAR will touch the seat when I sit down. Omg, the imagery is too disturbing for me.
Random cute top. Bought mine in a super bright pink though. Can't seem to save the pic.

Yep, I do like ethnic-y prints. Yessiree.

I also like simple blouses like this one! I'm also starting to like white a lot, and stocking up on a lot of white colored clothes. I hope this is not the "shu nu" side of me appearing after so many years!

Another random slouchy top. Gaining weight, so slouchy tops are the way to go for me... hide all the unsightly stuff!

Cutesy and sexy at the same time!

Overall rather satisfied with my haul for 11 items, can't wait til they arrive! Maybe only regret (aside from the missing Hogwarts top) would be having too many blue shirts! Been massively spending a lot because I'm trying to make myself happy in other areas of my life. Quite upset over other things that have been happening. I know, retail therapy is not a solution, but it sure feels good at the moment.


Sookie March 16, 2012 at 9:15 AM  

how abt t-shirts from threadless? i have a large collection of them & only buy when they're on their $10 sale :D

Leech The Leceh March 19, 2012 at 7:31 AM  

have not tried shopping on threadless... the only threadless shirt I have was bought for me by a friend. :p i am actually trying to outgrow my "funny tee shirts" phase, but i keep getting caught in it. -_-" do they offer free international shipping? :P

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