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Latest Drugstore Purchase

 Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Latest purchases from the drugstore beauty front! I rarely do hauls now because my room is really filled with unused items! I really feel guilty spending more money on things that I know will look pretty on my table, but will take me ages to finish. Plus, this kind of behavior encourages wastage because I won't be trying to make my products last as long. I will be pouring truckloads of it out because I want to move on to the next item! :X

Anyway, I could resist the latest range of body moisturisers from Vaseline, so I got this nourishing one. It smells really comforting and "warm", like something cosy that you want to put on your skin and then snuggle up. :)

The second item featured a very "pretty boy" Japanese (Korean?) male model advertising his flawless skin. I took a sniff of this rose & snow fungus night cream and just fell in love. However, though it smells nice and feels luxurious, it really isn't super moisturising. I will do a more complete review later on, but what I want to say is that if you have super dry skin, what will REALLY save your skin are not moisturisers like this, but a really clinical solution. I got super bad dry skin again recently, and what really helped was my Cellnique Hydrating Complex. I keep thanking God that the SA gave me this for a sample last round. Can't believe that 3ml can last me through the two bouts of trying to heal my dry skin! And each time it lasts for a week at least before completely healed.

I'm really tempted to sign on facial package with Cellnique just because of their Hydrating Complex. I mean, it's like super proven that their stuff works...


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