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Biore Pore Strips In Tropical Resort Scent

 Saturday, February 4, 2012

After finishing my Healpharm pore strips, I went back to Biore... but this will probably be the last Biore pore strips that I purchase... unless they come up with more interesting scents. I like their Limited Edition Fragrance Series - it's pretty interesting! I like the fruity scented one, although I did think the floral one was kind of a miss. The Tropical Resort one brings back the loving feeling for me...

Each biore pore pack comes with 10 pore strips... and is scented with either the relaxing hibiscus scent or the plumeria scent.

The plumeria scented one is awesome! It smells like peaches! It is a sweet, fruity scent and I totally would not have thought it was a floral scent at all!

The hibiscus one packs less oomph though. :( It has a more generic floral scent, kinda generic sweet and very unmemorable. Sigh...

You can tell which scent you will be getting based on the flower shown in front of each individually packed pore strip!

Having used the rougher feeling Healpharm pore strips, the silky-smooth Biore pore strips felt very comfortable against my nose. I had forgotten how AWESOME each strip is. It's easy to peel off, and it just seems to fit your nose so perfectly. There's no stubborn edges that refuse to adhere to some funny bump on your face. :P

However, I really do not like the black colored pore strips in general (cos I find it leaves more marks against my face? Maybe this is just psychological since it's a bigger contrast?) and Biore just doesn't seem to yank as many blackheads / whiteheads out for me anymore. Sigh.. either I'm doing a real good job of taking care of my nose, or I'm not doing it right or Biore is not doing it right. I'm thinking the last one, of course.

If they could package a limited edition pack with ONLY the plumeria scent, I just might repurchase this. Then again, I don't see this in Malaysia. I bought the pack in Singapore's Sasa for SGD$4.95...


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