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Monday Masks : Dermal Royal Jelly Collagen Sheet Mask

 Monday, June 3, 2013

This is the last of my Dermal collection in my stash, but due to the attractive promotions that they usually have for this brand in Watsons Singapore, I might get them again IF I visit the neighbouring country again. =) Out of the 5 masks that I've used, I've liked MOST of them, especially the apricot and apple one. This royal jelly one that I used wasn't as memorable (maybe because it has not much of a scent), but as always, I always feel my skin is more moisturised and pampered after a session with the mask. ^^

The function for this royal jelly mask is for feeding nutrition to the skin, moisturising and refining. You often hear about people eating royal jelly for beautiful skin, but I really wonder how good is it just applied directly to the skin? Royal jelly has strong antibacterial properties that is used in a multitude of beauty products. Royal jelly has strong healing properties that is thought to help reverse the process of aging by improving the texture and tone of the skin. Royal jelly also has highly moisturising properties that help tighten fine lines and wrinkles, leaving skin feeling soft and supple.

Sounds exciting, doesn't it? Apparently the Egyptians have been in on the secrets of royal jelly for a very long time. Using this secret product to protect their skin against the harsh desert conditions. Well, Malaysia isn't really a desert, but it's still very hot here, and anything to reverse time and get back younger-looking skin, right?

 The mask is really thick and is not a super good fit, but with just RM3 per mask, I am more than pleased with the results. Looking forward to a new haul from Dermal next round! ^^


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