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Settling In

 Thursday, August 23, 2012

Yikes! Really have been neglecting my beauty blog yet again. However, it's not that easy settling in to a married life. You really start thinking more of your other half than of yourself. I used to like working late, but now I rather go home and cook for my husband and then spend the rest of the night catching up on work (instead of say... blogging?) than to work myself to the ground in the office, and then come back to bum in front of the PC updating stuff. Yes, my blogging life suffers, but all these seems to inconsequential in The Big Picture. I really love my new life in my new home, and I love playing superwoman at the part. Yes, I have to cook, clean, wash, do the laundry AND still go to work day in and day out. Husband, you are so lucky, you hear me? ;)

Honestly, I am more into cooking nowadays as I get to experiment daily. Last time, I was banned from the kitchen by my mom, so I couldn't experiment much. Plus, no one to eat my cooking (aka experiment results) other than my brother. Now, I have a husband who does that! I hate to promise, "I will update more beauty stuff soon...", but I think this post is mainly to tell you that YES, I do have loads to update, just that I never get around to doing so. You know how much beauty-related stuff I have to blog about?

Husband and I bought and assembled the above set of drawers specifically to store all my beauty-related products! Yes! Can you imagine an entire drawer-full of make-up? And another entire drawer full of perfumes, and "daily moisturisers and essentials?" Well, admittedly the bottom drawer is partially empty, but only because I use his other cupboards to store totally un-opened, un-used products!

I am so happy after we got the above drawers (just completed it during the 2nd day of Raya holidays), my mood really did go up 100%. I was getting a bit grumpy because I felt like a "visitor" in my own home because there was no space for my things. But yes, husband to the rescue. Love you, hunney! :)


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