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Monday Masks : Aspirin Mask

 Monday, May 14, 2012

I first got to know about this "infamous" mask thanks to Michelle Phan. Yes, I had been reading Ricebunny since her Xanga days, and this was one of her firsts skincare / make-up tips that she shared way back in Xanga. I loved her make-up tips, so I felt that I could try her skincare tips as well. Even though it was to use ASPIRIN as a face mask. O_O"

As she mentioned, it's really not such a big deal - aspirin contains acetasalicylic acid, which is chemically like salicylic acid, a very potent BHA (beta hydroxy acid) which is used in a lot of cosmetic products. It's used as an exfoliation method, I even wrote about AHAs and BHAs before in my Hada Labo entries. =) Aspirin masks are really cheap and effective (for me), just be sure that you're not allergic to it (don't bother to use if so!) and that you don't get aspirin with coating.

I've always used Bayer Aspirin, which you can get in any drugstore in Malaysia. You can get a box of 3 strips (8 tablets per strip) for about RM6. When I first used this aspirin mask, it was SO amazing. I didn't even realise how bad my skin was til I felt the before and after effects of this mask. It was as if my skin was sandpaper and it had became as smooth as a baby's bottom after that! It REALLY exfoliates! Okie, it does sting a little, but nothing until you run around your house screaming that your face is on fire.

All you need to do is take 1-2 pills and put a few drops of water on to it. You can do it on a plate or (like me) just use the palm of your hand. You need to put enough water that the aspirin crumbs (it melts pretty fast) but not enough that it completely dissolves. I find 3 drops of water is just nice. Some people like to add in more stuff to make it adhere to the skin better. Think of all the stuff you've read about that is good for your skin. Things like honey, olive oil, sugar, etc. For me, I can't be arsed. ;) Water and aspirin and I'm good to go.

Just carefully put it to your face .... the water will help it stick to your face. For me, when it starts to fall off (when the water dries up), it means it's time to go to the next step. Just be careful not to breathe in the aspirin, I honestly do not know what happens when you do that! Some people also claim that the aspirin can be absorbed in dermally and it thins the blood. I really do not know if that can happen! O_O" 

I use a toothbrush to exfoliate nearer to the edges of my nose. I don't actually need to do that cos the aspirin bits can really get in to any nook and cranny. It's just that when I was taking the pictures for this blog entry, I had rather sensitive skin, so I wanted a lighter exfoliation. By using a soft toothbrush, I could brush lighter than if I used my hands. Well, that's what I feel anyway.

Skin will feel softer and more refreshed and SUPER clean and clear after you've washed everything off.  I also felt that I had exceptionally better skin for the next week or so. No new pimples, etc.

Have you tried the aspirin mask before? Do you like it as much as I do? :)


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